Clean Smoke seal - guarantee for sustainably smoked delicacies

For us it's all about irresistible taste and responsibility for our environment. A central element of our promise is the Clean Smoke seal, which proves the sustainability and quality of our smoked products.


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Räucherthunfisch mit Sesammantel, auf weißem Teller fotografiert
Smoked tuna fillet in a sesame coating


CHF 13.99*

CHF 139.90 /kg

Geräuchertes Wildlachsfilet
Smoked wild salmon fillet “Coho”


CHF 17.99*

CHF 179.90 /kg

Graved Räucherlachs in Scheiben auf weißem Teller


Graved smoked salmon


CHF 9.99*

CHF 99.90 /kg

What is the Clean Smoke seal?

The Clean Smoke seal stands for first-class, sustainably smoked foods. It was developed to give you the assurance that the smoked specialties you purchase from us have been produced to the highest standards. When you discover products with the Clean Smoke seal in our seafood online shop, you can be sure that they are carefully selected, smoked in an environmentally friendly manner and of the best quality.

We understand the importance of balancing culinary enjoyment and ecological responsibility. That's why we work closely with producers who are committed to the clean smoke principle. Through these partnerships, we not only promote sustainable smoking methods, but also set an example for the appreciation of quality and environmental awareness.

We cordially invite you to discover the variety of our products that have been awarded the Clean Smoke seal. Look forward not only to the unique taste of first-class smoked delicacies, but also to the good feeling of making a conscious decision for yourself and our planet.