Save food & do good

All information about our donation project

Ready for the big sea cleanup?

Help us save food while helping clean the oceans. Enjoy our organic Black Tiger king prawns at half price and save almost 4 kilos of waste for every CHF you donate. With your donation you support the non-profit organization Sana Mare and protect the seas and our shrimps from garbage.

Our donation project with Sana Mare

The Sana Mare association comes into play here and combines the protection of the seas with help for self-help. Their goal is to prevent civilization's waste from entering the rivers and oceans. They organize cleanup campaigns in the global south in which the local population is paid fairly and at the same time raises awareness of the problem of plastic waste. The waste is then disposed of properly so that it does not end up in the waterways again. In Kenya, independent waste collectors can also collect recyclables independently and sell them to collection points. This sorts the garbage and sells it to recycling companies. 100% of the proceeds are fed back into the project.

Frequently asked questions about the donation project

Which organization will my donation go to?

Your donation goes to the non-profit organization Sana Mare. Since 2020, it has been committed to cleaning rivers and beaches in the global south, especially in Africa and Asia. Through their cleanup campaigns and garbage drop-off points, the local population is offered an opportunity to earn money for their families. At the same time, educational work is being carried out to create awareness of the problem of plastic waste.

What happens to the trash that is removed?

Of course, simply removing the garbage doesn't solve the problem. This must also be prevented from ever entering the waters again. The waste products are therefore not only collected, but also sold to local recycling companies. All proceeds go back into the project. The waste can also be used as upcycling raw material. For example, in a project in Cameroon, PET bottles were used as raw material to build a school building .

Can I donate more than just CHF 1 ?

Absolutely! When you donate, you are free to decide whether you want to donate CHF 1 or significantly more. For every CHF donated, Sana Mare collects 3.7 kg of trash. Simply increase your desired donation amount in the form of CHF 1 donation increments in the shopping cart.

How long does the campaign last?

Our charity prawn has a best before date of April 14th, 2024. Until then and while stocks last, you can fish for shrimp and do good for our planet's oceans at the same time.

Will I receive a receipt for my donation?

The donation amount is collected via our independent partner Klimahelden and donated as a total amount, which is why you will not receive a receipt. As a thank you, you will receive a certificate from Klimahelden for the amount of your donation.

Why is the donation tied to the purchase of the Black Tiger shrimp?

HONEST CATCH has made it its mission to offer its customers transparent and environmentally friendly fish and seafood. It is therefore important to us to avoid food waste.Our organic Black Tiger Shrimp in the Crusta Nova outfit will soon be unsaleable due to its short best-before date (best before Octobre 11, 2024). The shrimp is of organic quality and has an excellent taste. We would therefore like to offer you this delicacy at an unbeatable deal and also give you the chance to do something good to protect our seas and donate to the Sana Mare protection project. Let's take a stand together as seafood lovers against food waste and to protect the oceans.

Was kannst Du gegen die Verschmutzung unserer Meere tun?

  • Den eigenen Plastikverbrauch reduzieren, denn wo weniger Müll anfällt, kann auch weniger Müll in die Meere gelangen
  • Bewusst konsumieren, egal ob es sich um Seafood oder andere Lebensmittel handelt. Wir müssen unsere Ressourcen mehr wertschätzen & dadurch auch weniger Abfall produzieren
  • Sich über Probleme und mögliche Lösungswege informieren und im eigenen Umfeld Aufmerksamkeit dafür schaffen
  • Spenden und Initiativen wie Sana Mare e.V. unterstützen, denn eins ist klar: Unser Müllproblem löst sich nicht in Luft auf