Canned fish - unique quality that lasts forever

Whether it's tuna, mackerel, sardines, or perhaps anchovies, in a can with olive oil or in a jar, we offer an extensive selection of long-lasting fish products for you. Ideal for gifting or for home storage.


18 Products


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Perfect seafood indulgence for Easter

Spare CHF 10 mit dem Code EASTER10 auf Deine Osterbestellung ab CHF 99.


Discover seafood for daily enjoyment

Cremesuppe der bayerischen Garnele mit Garnelenspieße
Jahrgangssardinen in Olivenöl in der Dose
Vintage sardines in olive oil

CHF 7.99*

CHF 79.90 /kg

Tasting package vegan spreads

On sale

Tasting package vegan spreads

CHF 12.99*


CHF 17.97*

CHF 24.06 /kg

Sardine Pollastrini Di Anzio in der Dose
Pollastrini sardines in oil

CHF 6.99*

CHF 69.90 /kg

Oritz Sardinen in der Dose auf weißem Hintergrund
Ortiz sardines in olive oil

CHF 7.99*

CHF 57.07 /kg

Oritz Thunfisch im Glas, von vorne fotografiert
Albacore tuna in olive oil

CHF 11.99*

CHF 54.50 /kg

Die Oritz Anchoas in Olivenöl im Glas
Ortiz anchovies in olive oil

CHF 16.99*

CHF 178.84 /kg

Tuna cream
Tuna cream

CHF 13.99*

CHF 69.95 /kg

Calvi Thunfisch in pikanter Salsa im Glas, vor weißen Hintergrund  fotografiert
Tuna with chili in olive oil

CHF 12.99*

CHF 64.95 /kg

Vegan tuna with tomato
Vegan tuna with tomato

CHF 5.99*

CHF 33.28 /kg

Vegan tuna with corn
Vegan tuna with corn

CHF 5.99*

CHF 33.28 /kg

Vegan tuna with capers
Vegan tuna with capers

CHF 5.99*

CHF 33.28 /kg

Gelbflossenthunfisch in Olivenöl im 200 g  Glas
Yellowfin tuna in olive oil

CHF 13.99*

CHF 69.95 /kg

Calvi Makrelen in Olivenöl im Glas
Calvi mackerel in olive oil

CHF 14.99*

CHF 74.95 /kg