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Drei verschieden groß geschnittene Räucheraal Filet auf weißem Teller von oben fotografiert
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Smoked eel fillet

17,99 €*

179,90 € / kg

Immerse yourself in the exquisite aromas of a North German delicacy with our smoked eel fillet, which is produced using traditional methods and a great deal of love for the craft. The smoked eel fillet delights with its firm, fatty and tasty meat and its incomparable golden-brown color. It is produced in the Müritzfischer inland fishery from the finest German eel, a delicate freshwater fish that is carefully reared in species-appropriate conditions.

Traditional delicacy from Germany

Gently hot smoked

Meat firm, rich in fat and aromatic

From species-appropriate rearing

I also exist as part of the Smoked Fish Box II


17,99 €*

179,90 € / kg

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Product description

Smoked eel manufacturing

The European eel belongs to the eel family and is a classic of northern German cuisine. Traditionally smoked over beech wood, the eel gets a characteristic taste and a typical golden brown color.

Every year, the Müritz fishermen stock up to 150,000 eels from species-appropriate breeding into their waters, the lakes of Mecklenburg. The fish reach their final size after 10 to 12 years. They are caught using fish traps and eel lines - with as little bycatch as possible - and then used as food fish. This guarantees sustainable management, authentic fish enjoyment and first-class quality.

The meat of our smoked eel is firm, rich in fat and incredibly aromatic. Gently hot-smoked, our smoked eel is perfect for breakfast or any snack, accompanied by aromatic brown bread and fresh scrambled eggs.


Perfect for:




Smoked eel manufacturing

The European eel belongs to the eel family and is a classic of northern German cuisine. Traditionally smoked over beech wood, the eel gets a characteristic taste and a typical golden brown color.

Every year, the Müritz fishermen stock up to 150,000 eels from species-appropriate breeding into their waters, the lakes of Mecklenburg. The fish reach their final size after 10 to 12 years. They are caught using fish traps and eel lines - with as little bycatch as possible - and then used as food fish. This guarantees sustainable management, authentic fish enjoyment and first-class quality.

The meat of our smoked eel is firm, rich in fat and incredibly aromatic. Gently hot-smoked, our smoked eel is perfect for breakfast or any snack, accompanied by aromatic brown bread and fresh scrambled eggs.


Perfect for:





Variants: 100 g

Ingredients : eel, salt, smoke

Allergens : Fish

Defrosting instructions :

  • The optimal defrosting - for those who plan ahead: You can gently defrost this product in the refrigerator within 12 hours.
  • The quick version - for those who decide at short notice: If you are in a hurry, it is possible to defrost this product in a water bath within 1 hour. The water should be cold to lukewarm.

You can find out everything about our defrosting instructions here.

Storage & Shelf Life :

Store this product in the freezer at at least -18°C. We guarantee a best before date of 3 months after delivery. You can find the exact best-before date on the product label.

Nutritional table (per 100 g)

Calorific value (kJ/kcal) 1,363/326
Fat (g) 28.6
- of which saturated fatty acids (g)
Carbohydrates (g)
- of which sugar (g)
Protein (g) 17.9
Salt (g)


Our smoked eel fillet, with the Latin name Anguilla anguilla, comes from a German inland fishery where it was caught using traditional methods such as fish traps and snares. This guarantees not only the highest quality, but also a respectful approach to nature.

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