Canned fish - unique quality that lasts forever

Whether it's tuna, mackerel, sardines, or perhaps anchovies, in a can with olive oil or in a jar, we offer an extensive selection of long-lasting fish products for you. Ideal for gifting or for home storage.


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Perfect seafood indulgence for Easter


Discover seafood for daily enjoyment

Cremesuppe der bayerischen Garnele mit Garnelenspieße
Jahrgangssardinen in Olivenöl in der Dose
Vintage sardines in olive oil

7,99 €*

79,90 € /kg

Tasting package vegan spreads

On sale

Tasting package vegan spreads

9,99 €*


14,07 €*

18,50 € /kg

Sardine Pollastrini Di Anzio in der Dose
Pollastrini sardines in oil

5,99 €*

59,90 € /kg

Oritz Sardinen in der Dose auf weißem Hintergrund
Ortiz sardines in olive oil

6,99 €*

49,93 € /kg

Oritz Thunfisch im Glas, von vorne fotografiert
Albacore tuna in olive oil

11,99 €*

54,50 € /kg

Die Oritz Anchoas in Olivenöl im Glas
Ortiz anchovies in olive oil

16,99 €*

178,84 € /kg

Tuna cream
Tuna cream

13,99 €*

69,95 € /kg

Calvi Thunfisch in pikanter Salsa im Glas, vor weißen Hintergrund  fotografiert
Tuna with chili in olive oil

12,99 €*

64,95 € /kg

Vegan tuna with tomato
Vegan tuna with tomato

4,69 €*

26,06 € /kg

Vegan tuna with corn
Vegan tuna with corn

4,69 €*

26,06 € /kg

Vegan tuna with capers
Vegan tuna with capers

4,69 €*

26,06 € /kg

Gelbflossenthunfisch in Olivenöl im 200 g  Glas
Yellowfin tuna in olive oil

13,99 €*

69,95 € /kg

Calvi Makrelen in Olivenöl im Glas
Calvi mackerel in olive oil

14,99 €*

74,95 € /kg