Ostertbrunchtafel mit Räucherlachs, Lachstatar, Garnelen auf Spargelsalat, Ostereier und Lobster Eggs Benedict
Ostertafel mit Räucherlachs, Lachstatar, Garnelen auf Spargelsalat, Ostereier und Lobster Eggs Benedict

Start thinking about Easter

Start thinking about Easter

Be inspired by our recipes & discover great tips for enjoying seafood at Easter!

Discover recipe ideas & tips for seafood enjoyment at Easter!


Bavarian shrimps

Bavarian shrimps

Made in Germany

Made in Germany

Blacktiger Riesengarnelen gekocht auf Teller mit HONEST CATCH Verpackung
Blacktiger Riesengarnelen gekocht auf Teller mit HONEST CATCH Verpackung

Save & donate

Save & donate

Benefit from a great offer on organic Black Tiger prawns & do good.

Benefit from a great offer on organic Black Tiger prawns & do good.

Skrei Filet mit Spargel und Kartoffel-Sellerie-Püree auf einem Teller
Skrei Filet mit Spargel und Kartoffel-Sellerie-Püree auf einem Teller

It's skrei season!

It's skrei season!

Snow-white meat & aromatic flavor - the perfect catch in winter! Now also with a quantity discount %

Snow-white meat & aromatic flavor - the perfect catch in winter! Now also with a quantity discount %


Too Good To Go

Too Good To Go

Enjoy fish and seafood at a low price & save top-quality delicacies!

Enjoy fish and seafood at a low price & save top-quality delicacies!

HONEST CATCH - Your seafood online shop for fish and seafood


Love of home

Love of home

‘HONEST CATCH and I share the same passion when it comes to quality & origin. I am therefore delighted to have HONEST CATCH as a seafood supplier for my restaurant die burg.'Jason Grom Michelin-starred chef - die burg

‘HONEST CATCH and I share the same passion when it comes to quality & origin. I am therefore delighted to have HONEST CATCH as a seafood supplier for my restaurant die burg.'Jason Grom Michelin-starred chef - die burg


My first choice

My first choice

‘As I attach great importance to sustainable ingredients of the highest quality for my dishes, Bavarian prawns are my first choice when it comes to prawns.’

Julia Komp - Star chef Sahila - The Restaurant

‘As I attach great importance to sustainable ingredients of the highest quality for my dishes, Bavarian prawns are my first choice when it comes to prawns.’

Julia Komp - Star chef Sahila - The Restaurant

The Bavarian

Find out here how our Bavarian shrimp grows.

About Us

Find out more about HONEST CATCH.