How To Seafood

Are you wondering how to grill lobster or which fish is best to use for sushi? Here you can find out tips and tricks about our products.


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Fish and seafood grilling tips


Why regional seafood is the future


Grill seafood - Seafood grilled to perfection

How do I grill salmon properly?


Grilling fish - specialties for your barbecue evening


How do I grill shrimp correctly?


How do I grill lobster correctly?


5 hacks for your Easter


Fish menu for Easter


Your seafood Easter brunch


Fish for Easter & Good Friday


How to King Crab


This is how you find the perfect shrimp for you


Why is fish so healthy?


Your New Year's Eve dinner with seafood


How to prepare lobster correctly


Your seafood Christmas dinner


How to properly prepare octopus


Defrosting instructions


Caviar - enjoyment of royal elegance and the finest marine culture


Grilling scallops - this is how you achieve a butter-tender and delicious speciality


How to properly peel shrimps - This is how you prepare whole shrimps


Seafood with the right seasoning


Seafood for brunch


Preparing shrimp correctly


Carpaccio - with shrimp & langoustine


Cook fish and seafood sous vide


The perfect seafood for sushi


The perfect fish for sushi


How do I grill a sea bream?