Smoked fish - delicious smoked salmon, tuna or mackerel

For a substantial family brunch on Sundays and public holidays, one essential element is top-notch smoked fish. Whether it's smoked salmon in tartare or fillet form, smoked butter mackerel, or smoked tuna, paired with fresh baguettes and a quality bottle of sparkling wine, it creates the ultimate culinary experience. At HONEST CATCH, you have the opportunity to purchase premium smoked fish online.


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Discover seafood for daily enjoyment

Cremesuppe der bayerischen Garnele mit Garnelenspieße

Perfect seafood indulgence on Easter

Perfect seafood indulgence on Easter

Geräucherte Königslachsseite fertig verpackt
Ora King smoked king salmon side


from  99,99 €*

geöffnete Lachskaviar-Dose
Salmon caviar - smoked

Yarra Valley Premium Caviar

from  24,99 €*

Drei verschieden groß geschnittene Räucheraal Filet auf weißem Teller von oben fotografiert
Smoked eel fillet

17,99 €*

179,90 € /kg

Geräuchertes Wildlachsfilet

Sold out

Smoked wild salmon fillet “Coho”


14,99 €*

149,90 € /kg

HONEST CATCH Räucherfisch-Box - Räucherfische auf weißen Tellern

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Smoked fish box I

33,99 €*


39,97 €*

Graved Räucherlachs in Scheiben auf weißem Teller

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from  7,99 €*

Räucherlachs, Buttermakrele und geräucherter Thunfisch jeweils auf hellen Teller präsentiert

Sold out

Smoked Fish Box II

32,99 €*


37,97 €*

Räuchermatjesfilet auf weißem Teller, von oben fotografiert
Smoked matjes fillet

6,99 €*

26,88 € /kg


The history of smoked fish dates back to at least 2000 BC. During that time, the Egyptians utilized this method to extend the fish's shelf life.

There are basically two methods when smoking fish: hot smoking and cold smoking. When hot smoking, the smoke usually reaches temperatures between 70 and 150 degrees Celsius. When smoking cold, the smoke temperature is usually between 25 and 30 degrees Celsius.

The main difference between the two methods is the consistency of the meat. Cold smoked fish is significantly firmer. This results from the different temperatures and smoking times, which each influence taste, texture and shelf life. While hot smoking tends to cook the fish and give it a softer flesh, cold smoked fish remains firmer and retains its characteristic flavor and longer shelf life.


What do I have to consider if I want to buy smoked fish online?

Make sure that you only buy from reputable suppliers. Convince yourself of the origin of the fish and the professionalism of the processing. Manufacturers who do not provide any information on this usually have a reason for this. At HONEST CATCH we believe that as a customer you should know exactly what is coming to the table. You can find the relevant information on the respective product page.

How healthy is smoked fish?

Smoked fish is no more or less healthy than normal fish. If the smoking process is carried out professionally, most of the vitamins and minerals it contains are retained. However, there is usually a reduction in the B vitamins contained.

What is important is which wood is used for smoking - fruit and hardwood are usually suitable - and how the smoking system is equipped. This is the only way to ensure that no harmful and carcinogenic substances such as benzpyrene and formaldehyde find their way into the smoked fish.

How do you eat smoked fish?

The significant advantage of smoked fish is that it's ready to eat. In essence, you can savor these delicacies right out of the packaging. Nevertheless, you can elevate your dining experience by incorporating smoked fish into a dish. Tagliatelle with smoked salmon? An absolute delight. To learn more about how to prepare it, visit our recipes section.

Which smoked fish is the best?

That depends entirely on your individual taste. With the smoked fish options in our range, you certainly can't go wrong. All our smoked fish products are handpicked and thus of the highest quality, sourced and produced sustainably. The best approach: Explore and try them out!

Can I buy sustainable smoked fish from HONEST CATCH?

Not only can you, you have no other choice. In our range you will only find smoked fish that comes from sustainable catch or sustainable farming. To ensure this, we work exclusively with fishermen, breeders and suppliers for whom this issue is just as important.

Why should I buy smoked fish from HONEST CATCH?

At HONEST CATCH, you'll find top-quality smoked fish that stands out in terms of taste. It's no wonder that the finest dining establishments choose our products. What's more, our smoked fish offerings exclusively originate from sustainable fishing or breeding. Uncompromising quality without a guilty conscience - that's our motto.