Freshwater fish - sustainable & regional

Perch, pike, pikeperch and eel are absolute freshwater specialties. In our range you will find a carefully compiled selection of fish products with the best possible quality. The regional freshwater fish from the Müritz fishermen impress with their freshness, which is hard to beat, as well as their sustainability and the best ecological balance. After processing, they are shock-frozen and transported in this condition in order to guarantee delivery of perfect quality.


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Zander Filet von oben fotografiert

Sold out

Zander fillets

with skin

CHF 19.99*

CHF 79.96 /kg

Drei rohe Barschfilets mit Haut von oben fotografiert auf Eis und weißem Teller

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Perch fillet

with skin

CHF 19.99*

CHF 79.96 /kg

Drei Maränenfilets mit Haut auf einem mit Eis bedeckten weißen Teller

Sold out

Whitefish fillet

with skin

from  CHF 12.99*


Appropriate to the species. Gently. Sustainable.
Freshwater fish differ from saltwater fish in their habitat. While saltwater fish populate the world's oceans, freshwater fish live in all standing and flowing bodies of water that do not contain salt water. This primarily includes inland waters, i.e. lakes and rivers, but ponds and streams are also part of their habitat.
Fishermen usually release the brood of fish into the open waters of the Mecklenburg Lake District. The fish grow up wild and are then caught again when they have reached their full size. Through this stocking as well as selective and gentle fishing methods, sustainable management can be guaranteed and stocks can be promoted. The inland fishermen of the Müritz fishery pay strict attention not to overfish their waters and never to take more fish from the water than the stock can tolerate.

From A for eel to Z for zander - our freshwater fish

1. PIKEPERCH The zander is the largest freshwater perch-like fish in Europe. Its elongated body, large fangs and pointed head are typical of the predatory fish. Pikeperch live in the slow-flowing rivers and lakes of Europe, but are also native to the brackish water of the Baltic Sea. Its firm, white and aromatic meat is low in fat and bones. To ensure that the fillet remains juicy, short cooking times at a moderate temperature are recommended - regardless of the method of preparation. 2. PERCH The native perch is also a predatory fish. It is characterized by its reddish abdominal and pectoral fins. With the exception of southern Italy, the Iberian Peninsula and the Balkans, it inhabits the standing and flowing waters of all of Europe. The perch is a popular and extremely nutritious food fish. As with our other fillets, the skin is fried until crispy and provides an additional flavor kick. 3. PIKE The pike is a typical fish of the Mecklenburg lakes. It is the only representative of the pike species that is widespread in Germany. When preparing, the fillets can be wrapped in bacon before frying in the pan to protect the meat from drying out and to add additional flavor. For a perfect, juicy result, we recommend finishing cooking large pieces in the oven. 4. VENDACE This valued food fish is a salmonid fish and is therefore related to trout and salmon. Your fillet is particularly suitable for frying: simply put some lemon, garlic, rosemary and butter in a pan and fry the skin until crispy. 5. EUROPEAN EEL The European eel with its snake-like body is native throughout Europe, but also in Asia Minor and North Africa. It is an absolute classic, especially in northern German cuisine. The smoked eel fillet from Müritz inland fisheries enhances both breakfast and any snack. With some brown bread and scrambled eggs, it's an absolute freshwater delicacy. Tradition. Experience. Responsibility. The brand “Die Müritzfischer” is the largest inland fishing company in Germany and stands for traditional fishing, fish farming and aquaculture, as well as first-class products from absolutely sustainable management. For 60 years, experience has been combined with the latest specialist knowledge in order to always guarantee the best quality and freshness. Despite the now ultra-modern processing, many of the old lake fisheries have been preserved: before dawn, the fishermen go out into their waters and cast their nets. The fish products are processed and refined traditionally by hand in the Müritzfischer fish factory. This creates high-quality fish products - natural and tasty and at the same time extremely healthy. However, the focus is always on sustainable production, ecological responsibility and the love of fish.