Gambero Rosso - the ruby ​​red delicacy

The Gambero Rosso lives at 700 meters below sea level in the ice-cold depths of the Adriatic. Only there, in absolute seclusion, can it develop its unique, sweet, full taste. The ruby ​​red delicacy is sustainably fished and immediately frozen on the fishing boat to preserve the unique taste of the deep sea in sashimi quality. The Gambero Rosso from the waters of the Adriatic is rightly one of the most popular crustaceans in international star cuisine.


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Carpaccio der roten Tiefseegarnele auf weißem Teller
Carpaccio di Gambero Rosso

ready for portioning

CHF 15.99*

CHF 319.80 /kg

Drei rote Garnelen mit Kopf und Schale auf einem mit Eis bedeckten weißen Teller
Gambero Rosso

with head & shell

CHF 149.99*

CHF 149.99 /kg

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"Perfectly imperfect" Carpaccio di Gambero Rosso

ready for portioning

CHF 7.49*


CHF 15.99*

CHF 149.80 /kg


1. GAMBERO ROSSO RAW The Gambero Rosso is ideal for raw consumption. To do this, defrost the Gambero Rosso in the refrigerator and then peel the tail part. Then place the Gambero Rosso marinated in olive oil and sea salt on the plate. 2. FRIED GAMBERO ROSSO Defrost the Gambero Rosso in the refrigerator and then devein and peel them. Then fry on both sides for about 1 minute each and serve immediately. 3. CARPACCIO DI GAMBERO ROSSO Carefully remove the Carpaccio di Gambero Rosso from the protective film and place it frozen on a plate. Then marinate the carpaccio with olive oil and sea salt and serve after about 10 minutes, defrosted and slightly chilled. *Please consume raw immediately after thawing the Gambero Rosso.