BR24 "Three times better" Podcast - Seafood: What else we can eat
We talked to the BR24 podcast Three Times Better about how our fish and seafood consumption can be made more environmentally friendly. What can we as individuals do about it? We'll have to pay attention at the supermarket to see which fish are still okay and whether fish fingers are still a good choice. In this podcast episode, fisheries biologist Daniel Stepputtis has his say and reports on how far the development of more gentle fishing methods has progressed and how these can help porpoises, for example. Our 🧡 topic, the Bavarian shrimp and regional circular aquaculture, play a key role in this. Using Recirculating Aquaculture Systems is a sustainable and environmentally friendly way to produce seafood & fish. Recirculating aquacultures are closed systems in which animals are bred in tanks or ponds. The water is continually recycled and filtered to remove waste and pollutants, helping to reduce pollution. By using circular aquaculture, we are in the process of establishing our own fish and seafood supplies in local communities - we want to produce where people consume. And now, listen for yourself!
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