Prepare shrimp correctly - that's how they taste best

Here you will find out how you can enjoy shrimp - even without professional skills.

You have no idea how to prepare shrimp? Or would you like to cook your shrimp differently than usual? Preparing shrimp is not rocket science. With our tips and tricks you will experience the finest shrimp enjoyment in no time and always know how best to prepare the delicacy depending on its intended use.

Which shrimp is right for me?

You don't yet know which shrimp suits your kitchen skills and preferences? Or are factors such as origin and breeding decisive for your choice? With our quiz you will find out which shrimp is right for you using 5 questions. We will also give you help in choosing the perfect shrimp. On top of that, after the quiz you will receive 15 % off your next shrimp order.

Our recommendations:

Sieben ganze Bayerische Garnelen auf Eis,  auf weißem Teller von oben fofografiert
Bavarian shrimp, fresh

with head & shell

from  CHF 24.99*

Gekochte Bio Blacktiger Garnelen auf Teller mit weißem Hintergrund

On sale

Fundraising project - Organic Black Tiger Shrimp, cooked

headless, deveined & peeled

CHF 4.99*


CHF 7.99*

CHF 31.19 /kg

Bayerische Garnelen ohne Kopf, entdarmt, auf Eis und weißem Teller von oben fotografiert


Bavarian shrimp, easy peel

headless, deveined

from  CHF 19.99*

Fünf argentinische Rotgarnelen ohne Kopf auf Eis auf weißem Teller von oben fotografiert


Argentine red shrimp, easy peel

headless, deveined

CHF 9.99*

CHF 55.50 /kg

Sieben ganze Bayerische Garnelen auf Eis und weißem Teller von oben fotografiert


Bavarian shrimp, frozen

with head & shell

CHF 44.99*

CHF 89.98 /kg

Gekochte Bio Blacktiger Garnelen auf Teller mit weißem Hintergrund


Organic Black Tiger king prawn, cooked

headless, deveined & peeled

CHF 7.99*

CHF 49.94 /kg

Gepulte und entdarmte Bayerische Garnelen auf Eis und weißem Teller von oben fotografiert


Bavarian shrimp, ready to cook

without head & shell, deveined

from  CHF 24.99*

Prepare shrimp properly

Of course, the perfect shrimp enjoyment also includes the correct preparation of the crustaceans. First you have to thaw them safely and, depending on the method of preparation, remove the shell, head and intestines if necessary. We have summarized how you can easily do this yourself in our step by step guides.

This is the best way to prepare your shrimp

Whether you want to fry your prawns in the pan, roast them on the grill, deep-fry them or eat them as sashimi, with our tips you will succeed in the perfect preparation of the delicious crustaceans in no time.

When do I know my shrimp is perfectly fried?

You can easily tell whether your shrimp is perfectly fried by its shape: if it's wide open, it still needs some time. It is perfectly cooked in a C shape. If it already curls into an O, you have fried it for too long.

Dips and side dishes for shrimp

Of course, the right accompaniment is a must for the perfect shrimp enjoyment.

Now you know how to prepare shrimp perfectly. If you are still unsure which shrimp suits your culinary adventures, you can take the quiz now and get 15 % off your next shrimp order.