Why is fish so healthy?

There are many myths surrounding the consumption of fish. Let's go on a fact check together & find out what makes these sea creatures so special.

Fish is not only a culinary delight, but also a source of concentrated nutrients & often good for your health. But why is fish such a power source? Why should fish be part of a balanced diet? And what should you look out for when buying fish? Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals - which type of fish contains the most of what? Let's delve into the exciting world of fish and find answers to these questions together!

What's in fish? A dive into the world of vitamins, nutrients & minerals

Fish is not only a delicious delicacy, but also a nutrient bomb that can provide a variety of health benefits. The essential omega-3 fatty acids found in fish such as salmon, tuna and sardines can play a crucial role in promoting optimal heart health. These fatty acids have the potential to protect blood vessels, lower blood lipid levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.In addition to these vital fatty acids, fish offers a wealth of other health-promoting elements. It is a rich source of various vitamins as well as minerals such as selenium and iodine. These nutrients can play a crucial role in boosting the immune system, supporting muscle function, maintaining bone health and much more. Let's take a closer look at the positive effects common vitamins and minerals can have:

Vitamin D supports the immune system, muscle function and bone health. Eel, salmon, sardines and tuna are particularly rich in it.

B vitamins are essential for many body functions, including energy production, metabolism, nervous system function and cell growth - found in fish such as mackerel, eel, tuna, plaice and salmon.

Selenium has an antioxidant function and strengthens the immune system, among other things. Tuna , sea bream & cod are the best fish choices for this.

Iodine plays a crucial role in thyroid function, regulates the metabolism, supports energy production and the regulation of body temperature. Iodine-rich fish include plaice, cod, redfish and mackerel.

HONEST CATCH Thunfisch Steak auf weißem Teller


Yellowfin tuna steak

Sashimi quality

from  CHF 17.99*

Rotbarsch Filet auf Eis auf weißem Teller fotografiert
Redfish loins

with skin

CHF 69.99*

CHF 69.99 /kg

Bio Lachsfilet auf rundem Teller, von oben fotografiert


Organic salmon fillet

with skin

CHF 9.99*

CHF 62.44 /kg

Filet der bretonischen Makrele mit Haut auf Eis
Breton mackerel fillet

with skin

from  CHF 4.99*

Skrei Loin auf weißem Teller
Cod loin

with skin

CHF 39.99*

CHF 57.13 /kg

Schollenfilet auf weißem Teller

Sold out

Plaice fillets

without skin

CHF 19.99*

CHF 36.35 /kg

Apulische Sardellen im Butterfly-Schnitt auf einem weißen Teller von oben fotografiert

On sale

Apulian anchovy fillets

CHF 19.99*


CHF 24.99*

CHF 79.96 /kg


Now that we've looked in detail at the health benefits of fish, let's take a look at the most common myths surrounding this tasty and nutritious food. Let's find out together which fish myths are true and which are not.

Myth #1: Fish is particularly rich in omega-3

The belief that fish is particularly rich in omega-3 fatty acids is certainly justified - but there is more to consider. A look into the fascinating world of fish diversity reveals that some species actually score particularly highly. Salmon has a particularly high content of the acids EPA and DHA and tops the list. But tuna, mackerel, sardines and herring are also considered true omega-3 super-sources.It's worth looking towards the shore! Plant-based alternatives such as flaxseed, chia seeds and walnuts are also valuable sources of these healthy fatty acids. Thanks to the variety of options, even non-fish eaters can easily meet their omega-3 requirements.

Myth #2: Athletes should eat lots of fish!

The myth that athletes should focus more on fish in their diet is not wrong - but it depends on the type of sport and the associated needs. The distinction between low-fat and high-fat fish plays a decisive role here. Low-fat fish such as sea bream, cod, fresh herring, oil-free sardines and tuna are particularly suitable for athletes who are on a low-fat diet. These fish not only provide high-quality protein, but also important nutrients without an excessive amount of fat.

Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel and toothfish, on the other hand, are an ideal choice for athletes looking for an additional source of energy. The omega-3 fatty acids in these fish not only support heart health, but also provide a sustainable source of energy for endurance sports.

Myth #3: Fish is better than meat

The widespread myth that fish is per se better than meat needs a differentiated view. In fact, a balanced diet is the key to wellbeing and the quality of the protein source chosen plays a crucial role. Fish, when sustainably caught or farmed, undoubtedly presents itself as a premium choice. Fish not only tastes delicious, but is also like a power source for the heart and brain. The omega-3 fatty acids in it are really good nutrients that are good for your heart and brain. When we emphasize the importance of catching or farming fish in a sustainable way, it's not just about doing good for the marine environment. It's also a way to ensure that we can continue to enjoy delicious, high-quality seafood. It's not just a taste tip, it's a way to take an active role in the health of the oceans.

However, it is important to emphasize that fish does not necessarily take the throne away from meat. Rather, the essence lies in a balanced diet that skillfully combines different sources of protein. Meat, rich in iron and vitamin B12, also brings its unique benefits. The strength lies in the diversity of the diet. Therefore, we should not only appreciate the benefits of fish and meat, but also understand their roles as part of a balanced ensemble. After all, it is the combination of different food sources that makes for good taste and a healthy diet.

Myth #4: Healthy = expensive

The widespread belief that healthy food is necessarily time-consuming is a myth that we are debunking here. On the contrary, preparing healthy fish dishes can be super quick and uncomplicated. Steamed or fried fish with vegetables or salad is a great way to get a healthy meal on the table without having to go through a time-consuming cooking process. Browse through our quick recipes with fish & seafood - you can cook a balanced & delicious meal in just 10 minutes.

Now the cat(fish) is out of the bag.

Fish is not only delicious, but also a superfood for our health. We've debunked the myths surrounding fish and it's clear that a varied selection of fish in your diet can bring numerous health benefits and also ensure tasty dishes on your plate in no time at all.

It is important to note that the statements made in this article are not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or individual nutritional advice. Health claims and recommendations may vary depending on individual needs. Individuals with specific health concerns or dietary questions should consult a qualified healthcare provider or nutrition expert.