How do I defrost seafood correctly?

Thawing frozen fish and seafood properly is important and affects the texture and taste. Here you can find out how it works.

Defrosting for those who plan ahead

Perfectly prepared: gentle defrosting methods for creative kitchen planning

Gently in the fridge

The best way to gently thaw your frozen fish and seafood products is in the refrigerator within 12 hours.

This is how you defrost your seafood in the fridge:

  • Take the product out of your freezer compartment and put it wrapped in the fridge
  • Be patient, depending on the size and type, thawing can take up to several hours or even overnight
  • Check whether the seafood is completely thawed: It can be gently bent and no longer has any frozen spots - then it is ready for preparation

Don't you prepare everything right away?

  • After defrosting, you can store it in the bottom compartment of the refrigerator for up to 24 hours. Make sure it is not in its own juice

Defrosting for last-minute decisions

Do you have little time or do you like to be spontaneous? Here we have the right tips for your fish

Faster in a water bath

If you are in a hurry, it is possible to thaw this product in a water bath within an hour. The water should be cold.

This is how you defrost your seafood in a water bath:

  • Take the product out of your freezer compartment
  • Grab a bowl and fill it with cold water
  • Place the product in the packaging in the water, it should be completely surrounded by water
  • After an hour, the product is thawed - it can be gently bent, no longer has any frozen spots, then it is ready for preparation

Did you use lukewarm water?

  • Then you should process the seafood immediately after defrosting!

Special case tuna & sashimi seafood

This is how you defrost your tuna and sashimi seafood correctly:

STEP 1 | Grab a bowl and fill it with cold water. Place the product wrapped in it to thaw for about 10 minutes. STEP 2 | Take your seafood out of the packaging and check for residue. Wrap it in absorbent paper, making sure it is completely wrapped. Do you have several pieces to defrost? Then wrap each piece individually. STEP 3 | To prevent your seafood from drying out, place the wrapped pieces loosely in a bowl and cover them with a lid. STEP 4 | Place the bowl in the lower part of the refrigerator for a few hours. NOTE | Tuna from the refrigerator is often slightly pale, but at room temperature it usually takes on a nice color.

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