Thaw the lobster tail overnight in the refrigerator -
Place on a wooden or metal skewer to prevent it from curling during the cooking process -
Bring the water to the boil in a large pan and salt generously. The water should only simmer gently. Cooking time: Adjust the cooking time depending on the size of the tail: About 1 minute per 100g of lobster tail is recommended. On average, the cooking process takes about 3 minutes -
Remove the lobster tail from the water with a slotted spoon and immediately place in a bowl of ice water. This stops the cooking process and the meat retains its tenderness -
Slice the cooked lobster tail in half lengthwise and then remove the meat from the shell with a spoon or knife -
Arrange the lobster tail on a plate and serve with lemon wedges or a butter sauce/dip as desired.
Preparing lobster correctly
A simple guide to perfectly cooked lobster
Lobster tails and lobster meat have established themselves in the world of gastronomy and cuisine as an indispensable part of festive menus. Their prominent position on festive tables is the result of a long history of culinary appreciation.We will show you step by step how best to prepare lobster tails, how to trigger the tender lobster meat and the recommended quantity per person to transform your festive table into a culinary experience.
Preparing the lobster tail
Step by step to the perfect result
NOTE: These instructions also apply to langoustine tails such as the Tristan langoustine. Note, however, that langoustines are slightly smaller and therefore cook a little faster.
Sous-Vide-Hummer im Wasserkocher
Prepared lobster meat
Ausgelöstes Hummerfleisch
- Das ausgelöste Hummerfleisch ungefähr 2 Stunden bei Zimmertemperatur, oder über Nacht im Kühlschrank schonend auftauen lassen.
- Hummer in der Pfanne: Erhitze etwas Butter in einer heißen Pfanne und lasse das Hummerfleisch darin für etwa 5 Minuten garziehen. Dieser Ansatz verleiht dem Hummer ein wunderbares Butteraroma.
- Hummer in einem Topf: Bringe reichlich Wasser in einem großen Topf zum Kochen und füge nach Wunsch Gewürze wie Salz, Pfefferkörner und Lorbeerblätter hinzu. Tauche den Hummer ins leicht siedende Wasser und lasse ihn entsprechend der Größe des Hummers und Deinem persönlichen Geschmack gar ziehen. Bei unserem ausgelösten Hummerfleisch dauert das ca 3-5 Minuten.
- Hummer in einer Bouillon: Um dem Hummer eine zusätzliche Geschmacksdimension zu verleihen, kann er auch in einer heißen Buillon gar ziehen. Dies dauert ebenfalls ca 3-5 Minuten.
The right amount of lobster per person
- Appetizer: If lobster is served as an appetizer, half a lobster tail per person may be sufficient, especially if there are other courses or side dishes.
- Main course: If lobster is the main course and no other protein-rich main dishes are served, you can expect a whole lobster tail per person. An average lobster tail weighs around 200-250 grams.
- Luxurious feast: For particularly festive occasions or if the lobster is the highlight of the meal, you can even consider up to 350-400 grams of lobster per person.
Our recommendations:
in shell
from CHF 27.99*
in shell
CHF 22.99*
CHF 19.16 /100g
In shell
from CHF 17.99*
Sold out
with head, Shell & scissors
CHF 24.99*
CHF 156.19 /kg
in shell
CHF 28.99*
CHF 263.55 /kg
tail & claws meat, raw
from CHF 42.99*
broken meat
CHF 59.99*
CHF 239.96 /kg
In the glas
CHF 8.99*
CHF 37.46 /l
tail & claws meat, raw
from CHF 34.99*
Claw and knuckle meat
CHF 44.99*
CHF 179.96 /kg
Sold out
broken meat
CHF 44.99*
CHF 179.96 /kg
Sold out
Base for soups & sauces
from CHF 13.99*