Cook fish and seafood sous vide

Seafood for vacuum cooking - here's how it works

Fish for sous vide

Preparing a fish fillet perfectly can be so easy. All you need to do is combine fish of absolute top quality with the optimal preparation method: cooking fish sous vide guarantees practically perfect results and is also comparatively inexpensive and easy. And our excellent seafood products take care of the rest.

Zwei dicke Filets von Kabeljau auf Eis und weißem Teller
Cod fillets, thick

Bacalao & cod

CHF 19.99*

CHF 62.47 /kg

Bretonisches Seehechtfilet auf Eis, von oben fofografiert
Breton hake fillet

with skin

from  CHF 7.99*

Kabeljaufilet auf weißem Teller
Cod fillet

with skin

CHF 9.99*

CHF 66.60 /kg

Skrei Loin auf weißem Teller

Sold out

Cod loin

with skin

CHF 39.99*

CHF 57.13 /kg

Skrei Loin auf weißem Teller

Sold out

Skrei Loin

with skin

CHF 39.99*

CHF 57.13 /kg

Skrei Filet auf weißem Teller


Skrei fillet

with skin

CHF 9.99*

CHF 66.60 /kg

Seafood for sous vide

Seafood such as octopus or cuttlefish quickly becomes tough and dry if prepared incorrectly. When cooking sous vide, this is practically impossible thanks to the gentle preparation in a vacuum at relatively low cooking temperatures. This is also how our top products get their many vitamins and minerals that make them so healthy

Ausgelöster kanadischer Hummer auf einem weißen Teller


Canadian lobster

tail & claws meat, raw

from  CHF 34.99*

Tristan Languste auf weißem Teller, von oben fotografiert
Tristan lobster tail

In shell

from  CHF 17.99*

Drei ganze apulische Calamari auf rundem Teller von oben fotografiert

Sold out

Apulian calamari, whole


CHF 19.99*

CHF 49.98 /kg

Drei ganze apulische Sepia auf weißem, rundem Teller von oben fotografiert
Apulian Sepia, whole


CHF 24.99*

CHF 49.98 /kg

Fünf ganze apulische Moscardini auf weißem Teller angerichtet und von oben fotografiert
Apulian Moscardino

ready for portioning

CHF 26.99*

CHF 67.48 /kg

Norwegische Königskrabbenbeine roh auf weißem Teller

Sold out

Norwegian king crab, raw

Legs & Scissors

from  CHF 119.90*

Top products for sous vide

Would you like to treat your loved one to an impressive dinner for a special occasion? Preparing our absolute top products in vacuum bags means total peace of mind for you. It practically guarantees excellent results and offers you enough time and peace to entertain your guests.

Ausgelöstes Scheren-und Schwanzfleisch eines europäischen Hummers auf weißem Teller
European lobster

tail & claws meat, raw

from  CHF 42.99*

Ora King Lachsfilet mit Haut auf weißem Teller mit Eis


Ora King King Salmon Fillet

with skin

from  CHF 17.99*

Broken Meat vom europäischen Hummer auf einem weißen Teller
European lobster meat

broken meat

CHF 59.99*

CHF 239.96 /kg

Zwei halbierte europäische Hummerschwänze mit Schale vor weißem Hintergrund
European lobster tail, halved

in shell

CHF 28.99*

CHF 263.55 /kg

This fits perfectly...

To properly round off your sous vide cooked seafood, you will find exquisite products from the best manufacturers from all over the world. We offer you spices and salts to bring out the full flavor of our first-class seafood products, high-quality side dishes as well as fine oils and sauces that adequately complete your dish.

Belfond Hummerfond im Glas
Lobster stock

In the glas

CHF 8.99*

CHF 37.46 /l

Roasted Garlic Aioli im Glas
Roasted Garlic Aioli

Creamy, mild aioli made from roasted garlic

CHF 15.99*

CHF 54.95 /kg

Truffle sauce
Truffle sauce "La Tartufata"

CHF 9.99*

CHF 83.25 /kg

Our wine recommendation for you

Of course, the right wine should not be missing from an all-round successful dinner. We have selected delicious white wine and rosé for you, which harmonize brilliantly with our fine seafood thanks to their delicate aromas and refreshing acidity. The winemakers are all the best in their field and are valued by sommeliers all over the world.

Markus Schneider RIesling in grüner Glasflasche

Sold out

Markus Schneider Riesling 2018


CHF 29.99*

CHF 39.99 /l

Miraval Rose in durchsichtiger Glasflasche vor weißem Hintergrund

Sold out

Miraval Rosé

from  CHF 13.99*

This is important to keep in mind when cooking sous vide

  1. STEP 1 – DEFROST SEAFOOD You get most of our seafood frozen. In order to maintain the top quality of our products, you should defrost our products gently and slowly. To do this, you can place the respective products in cold water for 15-20 minutes while still in the packaging. Then take it out of the packaging, cover it in kitchen paper and let it thaw in the fridge at 3-5 °C for several hours. Finally, take it out of the fridge and let it come to room temperature for a while.
  2. STEP 2 – CLEAN Rinse fish or seafood briefly under running water and then pat dry thoroughly with kitchen paper. If necessary, remove shells from crustaceans and/or descale the fish and score the skin so that the added flavors can be better absorbed.
  3. STEP 3 – SPICES Place the seafood in a sous vide bag. Depending on your taste, add herbs (thyme, dill or lemongrass) and spices (garlic, lemon and chili), as well as salt and pepper. Vacuum the bag and seal it airtight. By the way: Some of our lobster products are already packed in bags suitable for sous vide and can therefore be vacuum cooked without any extra effort.
  4. STEP 4 – PREPARE WATER BATH Heat water in a large saucepan to a temperature between 45°C and 63°C. It is important that fluctuations in the water temperature are reduced to a minimum. You can either use a roast thermometer for this. However, you will then have to check the water temperature regularly and adjust it if necessary. It's much easier with a special boiling rod that is inserted into the pot and uses an integrated thermometer to keep the water temperature constant.
  5. STEP 5 – VACUUM COOKING As soon as the water has reached the desired temperature, place the bag and its contents in the water bath with the cap facing upwards. The cooking time varies depending on the size and thickness of the product, but expect a minimum cooking time of 45 minutes. A big advantage of sous vide cooking, however, is that it doesn't harm the food if it stays in the water for a few minutes longer. This makes vacuum cooking so easy and uncomplicated.
  6. STEP 6 – REMOVE AND FRY Carefully remove the bag from the water bath. It's best to help yourself with long kitchen tongs or a fork. Open the bag and remove the seafood. Depending on your taste and recipe, fry it again for a short time in a pan or on the grill to get a crispy, aromatic outside.
  7. STEP 7 – SEASONING AND SERVING Keep any juices that have leaked in the bag and pour them over the dish. Also season and salt as desired. Finally, arrange on preheated plates with your chosen side dishes and serve.